Episode 72: Can God use rejection for good?
We all know what it’s like to feel the sting of rejection. Whether it happened when you were a child or it happened last week, it can be difficult to put your heart back out there. Where is God in the midst of our heartache and can He really use rejection for good?
Today I’m answering these hard questions with Kait Warness. Join us as Kait gives practical advice for bouncing back from rejection and reminds us that heartbreak is what makes us into who we are.
Thank You for Rejecting Me Book
Kait Warman is a Los Angeles based author, relationship coach, online educator, speaker, podcaster, and founder of Heart of Dating.
Kait’s mission is to empower both men and women to have the courage to own their story, walk in victory, thrive with purpose, and discover clarity and vision in their life and relationships. Kait is particularly passionate about the topic of relationships and has a deep hope that the dating scene can be transformed.
She loves Jesus, going to Disneyland as much as possible, all things French…. and is wildly obsessed with Celine Dion. She believes at the core that each person is perfectly unique, loved, & worthy of God’s best, but that we all need to remember to dance it out just a bit more.